My Books

Seminars on Post-Anarchism and Psychoanalysis by Duane Rousselle

Duane Rousselle: Seminars on Post-Anarchism and Psychoanalysis

Academic Book, Independent Publishing, Edited and Designed by Wanyoung Kim. This is on the Best-Selling List for Psychoanalysis!



PhD Dissertation, published 2021 by Atropos Press

Nietzsche's Cosmopsychical Infinity

Nietzsche's Cosmopsychical Infinity

Master's dissertation, published 2016 by Lambert Academic Publishing

Creation of Reality

Creation of Reality

Book on philosophy of religion, independently published in 2015. Proofread and edited (for academics) by Wanyoung Kim


Publication List

1). Maurice Blanchot, The Rising Word: French to English Translation, May 2014
2). Richard Pinhas and Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes Course on Music: Spanish to English (on, May 2014
3). Richard Pinhas, Conference on the Musical World: Spanish to English, May 2014, Used in Richard Pinhas and Jaden Adams’ course “On the Refrain” at the Global Center for Advanced Studies
4). Maurice Blanchot, From Out of Kafka to Kafka, French to English Translation, January 2015
5). Creation of Reality by Maria Mileno, Edited (CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2015)
6). Nietzsche’s Cosmo-Psychical Infinity: A Post-Nihilist Ethos of Eternal Return, (Lambert/Omniscriptum, 2016)
7). Nietzsche’s Anti-Philosophy, Seminar I, 1992-1993 (Translation)
8). “Dionysos-Apollo: Remediating Edward Said’s Orientalism with Metacritical Perspective” Feature Article in Philosophy Study, July 2017
9). Cosmophenomenology: The Alterity and Harmony of Consciousness as Quantum Energy (Atropos Press, 2019)
10). "Kenosha Unrest" - Wikipedia Article (anonymous)
11). Communism After Deleuze by Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Edited (Bloomsbury, Forthcoming in 2024)
12). “Anti-Antigone: From a Politics of Desire to a Politics of Love–Rethinking the Ones-All Alone,” co-authored with Mark G. Murphy, in Psychoanalysis Between Philosophy and Politics, University of Split Press, Edited by Slavoj Zizek and Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo
13). “Trauma, Negativity, and Death in Spielrein, Heidegger, and Buddhism” in Negative and Positive Psychoanalysis, Routledge, 2023, edited by Duane Rousselle and Mark Murphy
14). Badiou’s Nietzschean Event, Forthcoming translation, Atropos Press, 2023
15). Negative Psychoanalysis for the Living Dead by Julie Reshe, Edited with Mark G. Murphy (Palgrave Macmillan, Forthcoming in 2023)
16). Post-Anarchism and Psychoanalysis by Duane Rousselle, Edited and Designed (2023)
17). "The Status of Anti-Philosophical Truth in Lacanian Psychoanalysis" in Res Publica: Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas (Forthcoming December 2023)
18). St John of the Cross and the Problem of Mystical Experience by Jean Baruzi, book translation from French to English (St Mary's University Press, London, Forthcoming in 2025)
19). "Psychoanalysis of Technological User Experience in Late Capitalism," Forthcoming article in Sublation Magazine
20). "On Freud and Spielrein’s  Death Drive and Weil’s Spiritual Writings" in Death and Love: Psychoanalysis and Existentialism, Edited by Julie Reshe and Todd McGowan (Routledge, Forthcoming, 2024)
21). The Direction of Desire: John of the Cross, Jacques Lacan and the Contemporary Understanding of Spiritual Direction by Mark G. Murphy, Edited, The Palgrave Lacan Series (Palgrave Macmillan, Forthcoming, 2023)